Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blog Assignment 3


Michael Wesh: A Vision of Students Today
My college experience is very similar to what they have put forth in this video. The facts about facebook, and the time spent online have been very true with me. It is surprising to me that most students bring their laptops to class and do not work on class assignments during the time that they have available. I am just shocked at how much time we spend doing so many other things in life that when we look back on it all; we realize how much time we have wasted.
In my opinion, there is not really anything to add to this video. It covers about every topic and technology that is mainly used today. When I first started college, I thought that I would do nothing but study, go to class, and do the best that I could do. Within my first semester, I realized that what I had hoped for would not come to be so easily. Some students in college today cannot balance their free time with school, and it is such a shame how time is wasted.

"It's Not About the Technology" by Kelly Hines
Mrs. Hines makes some good points in her article. If the teachers are not teaching the students in a way that they can understand what is being told to them, then the students have not been taught anything. Unless teachers are interested in learning about the different technologies and programs available, what is the point of standing up in front of a classroom and not understanding their students? If teachers walk into their classroom with an open mind, they can learn so much from their students.
“Teachers who customize the learning experiences of their students to involve critical thinking and problem solving are doing their students a greater favor than those who misuse technology as a means of facilitating learning.” This quote shows that technology can be used to our advantage, but unless we understand how to use it, it is useless. Different technologies can be used in classrooms, and can be used as a way for both student and teacher to learn how it is to be used.

Karl Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
“If a teacher today is not technologically literate - and is unwilling to make the effort to learn more - it's equivalent to a teacher 30 years ago who didn't know how to read and write.” This quote gives a good point on if teachers should be technologically literate. In my opinion, it is better to at least have some technology literacy then none. Technologies such as computers that have internet are useful, and it is beneficial to learn how to use this source to the best of our ability.
Fisch brings up a good point about if we are not literate ourselves, how can we go in front of a class and teach them how to use those technologies. What he says makes sense. It makes no sense to go in front of a class and teach something that you know nothing about. The more technologically literate a teacher is, the easier it is for the teacher to instruct their students on how to use that technology.

Gary Hayes Social Media Count
Just seeing all of the numbers increasing as such a rate shocked me when I first saw the counter. This makes me think about how many people are using technology and the internet every day and every second. We are advancing so much in the development of different technologies, and it makes it easier for us. If we are advancing this fast, this makes me wonder how am I going to be able to teach my students. Will I not know all of the information that I need to teach them, or will I be able to keep up with the changing of the technology advances?


  1. These videos and the readings really made me think how much time we do spend on schoolwork. I had a teacher one time that would not help anyone in her class unless we went to her before school tutoring, I hated that class, what kind of teacher wont answer a question? I enjoyed reading the one asking if teachers should be technologically literate? in a few years you probably wont be able to get a job without knowing how to do everything on a computer.

  2. Hello Michelle, in your post "Michael Wesh: A Vision of Students Today" I 100% agree with you on the fact that students really do waste their free time. Technology today can be both an amazing thing and also, as well, a huge distraction from learning. I too, as well, notice that in some of my classes a lot of students bring laptops in, but if you look closely as what they are doing, they are either on "Facebook" or they are chatting with their friends or whomever, rather than paying attention to the Professor lecturing.
    I enjoyed reading your comments, and I must say that I too, as well, have the same thoughts myself.

  3. Michelle,

    I definitely agree with you on your comment about Kelly Hines. Teachers do have to be interested and willing to learn to benefit the students. I know so many teachers that have smartboards in their classrooms, and they don't know how to use them, and frankly, I don't think they care to learn. I know technology is new to them, but schools should give them training for technology or find teachers who are willing to learn. We cannot expect our students to learn, if we, the educators, refuse to embrace change. I definitely agree with Karl Fisch and believe that all teachers should be technologically literate to benefit the students.
