Sunday, May 1, 2011

Special Metaphor Assignment (Blog Post #14)

Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home

1. I believe that I missed the metaphor, because I looked at the post from a literal standpoint.  I generally tend to look at things from a literal view than out of the box.  I’m someone who tries to stay within the rules and see things as what they actually say.  That is one of my faults that I am working on, and that is the reason on why I missed the metaphor.  

2. Since Dr. Strange had asked for us to keep a log of metaphors a few weeks ago, I have encountered many metaphors.  I did not realize right away that they were metaphors, but I later figured it out.  A few of my favorite metaphors that I have encountered are the following: wet blanket, spoil sport, and Debby downer.  These metaphors were the easiest for me to identify when I first heard them.  

3. Some things that we can do as educators are to introduce our students to a new metaphor every day and ask them to come up with their own.  Also, we could do what this assignment has asked us to do, and let our students keeping a log of all of the metaphors that they come in contact with.

4. We use metaphors to say something without coming straight out and saying it.  This is to avoid offending someone based on their beliefs and various other thoughts.  After working on this assignment, I have realized just how many metaphors are being used every day.   


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